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Science Vs God - Is There A Life Force That Transcends Matter? | Under ...

Published on Nov 7, 2017

Dubbed “the most controversial scientist on Earth” Rupert Sheldrake joins me to discuss the dogmas within conventional science, the evolving laws of physics, memory in nature, and how science validates and improves spiritual practices.

You can get Rupert's latest book "Science and Spiritual Practices" here

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Rupert Sheldrake's 'Banned' Talk – The Science Delusion at TEDx Whitechapel

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A dogmatic assumption inhibits inquiry  

On January 12th, 2013, Rupert gave a talk entitled The Science Delusion at TEDxWhitechapel. The theme for the night was Visions for Transition: Challenging existing paradigms and redefining values (for a more beautiful world). In response to protests from two militant materialist bloggers in the US, the talk was later taken down by TED and placed in a special corner of their website. Before being removed it had 35,000 views. Since then, all copies together have more than 5 million views.

Dr. Rupert Sheldrake's website: http://www.sheldrake.org

Time stamps for this lecture :
0:00:00 Introduction to Rupert Sheldrake by Chairman Ian Skelly
0:04:05 Start of lecture, scientism, implicit materialistic assumptions
0:10:50 The mechanistic revolution, René Descartes and his mechanistic theology
0:14:35 The universe as an organism, David Hume, Big Bang Theory
0:17:45 Is all matter unconscious? How come we are conscious?
0:23:45 The Panpsychism view of Alfred North Whitehead
0:27:50 The law of conservation of matter and energy, galaxies and dark matter
0:34:50 Free energy technology, Andrea Rossi, vital energy in living organisms
0:41:30 Changes in the constants of nature (speed of light & gravity)
0:47:50 Is there purpose in nature? Evolution a random process?
0:50:00 Genetic determinism versus epigenetics, memory storage in the brain
0:53:10 Is the mind inside the brain?
0:55:55 Psychic phenomena - Are they all illusion? Telepathy experiments
0:59:20 Mechanistic medicine versus alternative medicine, the Placebo Effect
1:00:45 The dogmas of materialistic science are questionable
1:02:10 End of lecture, begin of questions and answers session
1:03:05 - Why is there so little questioning of the scientific dogmas
1:05:40 - Are you considered a heretic?
1:08:00 - Is there a scientific explanation to the resistance to new scientific ideas?
1:12:05 - Difference of DNA in humans and apes is only 1%, human genome project
1:16:00 - Will it ever be possible for scientists to understand human consciousness?
1:18:20 End of Q&A session

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