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Mislead Me More, Please: What Is Destroying Our World? - The Left?

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Friday, December 28, 2018

What Is Destroying Our World? - The Left?

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What is destroying our world?

“Since the 1960s, the environmental left has had the same solutions regardless of the current environmental scare of the day,” Marc Morano, publisher of the Climate Depot website, a former Republican political aide, and author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change, told The New American. “The solution is global governance, central planning, wealth redistribution, and loss of national sovereignty to international bodies. They started this in the late 1960s chiefly with overpopulation — the Paul Ehrlich [author of The Population Bomb] scare, resource scarcity, and other environmental concerns at the time, and always the same solution.”

California Governor Jerry Brown, speaking at a press conference the day after Trump made the remarks, fired back at President Trump, attributing the state’s wildfires to global warming.
The remarks by Trump and Zinke, on one hand, and those by Brown and Young on the other, highlight one of the most contentious debates of the modern world.
This controversy is not only about whether climate change or mismanagement of the forests is the catalyst for wildfires. This debate also involves a colossal battle between globalists and nationalists, a massive indoctrination campaign of youth into the purported virtues of socialism and the dangers of climate change, and whether nations around the planet will ultimately advance toward some form of world government.
“Since the 1960s, the environmental left has had the same solutions regardless of the current environmental scare of the day,” Marc Morano, publisher of the Climate Depot website, a former Republican political aide, and author of "The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change", told The New American. “The solution is global governance, central planning, wealth redistribution, and loss of national sovereignty to international bodies. They started this in the late 1960s chiefly with overpopulation — the Paul Ehrlich [author of The Population Bomb] scare, resource scarcity, and other environmental concerns at the time, and always the same solution.”
Global warming is merely the latest environmental scare with the same solution, Morano says.
“In my book, I interviewed Naomi Klein, who has a book called This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate. They are very open by saying that capitalism is not compatible with a livable climate. ‘We must get rid of this [capitalism]. This has to be overthrown.’ In fact, the latest [United Nations] report featured many climate activists and one of them said, ‘This report makes it clear that we cannot have capitalism any further. It’s destroying the planet.’”

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