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Thursday, February 28, 2019

Climate Change from Global Warming = Religion?

Climate Change from Global Warming = Religion?

Global Warming is such a hoax.

Marc Morano on why the 97% climate scientist statistic is false and ridiculous

Published on February 27, 2019


There are certain issues for which leftists often invoke the magic label of “science” in order to shut down debate. From abortion to evolution to socialism itself, progressives love to pretend to be the party of science by throwing out “facts” and instantly doing a mic drop.
But there’s no other topic for which leftists invoke their higher scientific understanding than climate change. If you don’t believe that man is responsible for the changes in the weather, you might as well declare leeches are the best way to clean the blood of sick people because you’re going to be labeled anti-science by leftists either way.

Marc Morano, founder of Climate Depot, went on One America News with Liz Wheeler tonight to discuss the oft-quoted lie that 97% of climate scientists agree global warming is man-made. In this short video, he lays out the truth.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

16-State Lawsuit Against Trump Twists Data — and Truth

Wednesday, 20 February 2019
16-State Lawsuit Against Trump Twists Data — and Truth
Written by  R. Cort Kirkwood

The lawsuit that 16 states filed to block President Trump’s declaration of a national emergency to build a border wall doesn’t just assert that the declaration is unconstitutional, it also includes cherry-picked data that supposedly show that the number of illegal aliens crossing the border is decreasing, and that illegal aliens are more law-abiding than natives.
The first claim, if true, is irrelevant to the question of whether the number if illegal-alien borders jumpers constitute a real threat, and the second is patently false. Illegal aliens are not more law-abiding than real Americans.
The lawsuit, of course, also ignores other compelling data that prove Trump right regarding the immigration crisis.

The Lawsuit
The lawsuit, led by California and its open-borders leftist attorney general, Xavier Becerra, claims that Trump’s declaration will hurt the states because it will divert nearly $7 billion from existing defense and other projects to build the wall.
The states claim that the president is misappropriating congressionally allocated funds, which would harm the states, and that the border is not in crisis, and so he does have not the authority to declare a national emergency. The order is thus “unconstitutional and unlawful.”
But those legally debatable matters are of less concern than some of the data the lawsuit offers that might mislead a judge unfamiliar with the real data.
For instance, citing numbers from Customs and Border Patrol, the lawsuit claims that the number of illegals at the border is decreasing. The lawsuit also claims, citing numbers from the open-borders Cato Institute, that illegal aliens commit fewer crimes than real Americans. The lawsuit uses State Department data to claim that terrorists, contrary to the president’s claims, are not crossing the border.
Sheer Numbers and the Sick
Let’s start unpacking these myriad claims with CBP’s data. Even if border apprehensions are decreasing, agents still face a tsunami of illegals would not be a problem if a wall were there.
In December and January, border agents collared 98,962, and in the first four months of fiscal 2019 alone, border agents caught 201,497 illegals. Last year, the number was nearly 400,000. In other words, the numbers of illegals caught at the border is not decreasing, as the lawsuit argues. Already, the figure is more than half of what it was for all of last year. By fiscal year’s end in October, at this pace, border agents will have handled nearly 1 million illegals.
That figure does not include inadmissible aliens who present themselves at ports of entry.
And even if the sheer numbers weren’t a problem, the number of sick illegal aliens would be.
Health authorities in Houston, Texas recently confirmed seven cases of mumps among a batch of illegals, and as the Washington Times reported recently, border agents refer 50 illegals a day to medical facilities for everything from pregnancy and the flu to typhus, Chagas disease and tuberculosis. Transporting those illegals to and from hospitals requires hundreds of hours per week — time those agents don’t spend at the border.
In November, the Mexican government reported that a third of the illegals in Tijuana awaiting entry into the United States were sick.
Crime Data
Beyond handling diseased illegals, CPB and Immigration and Customs Enforcement regularly arrest gang members and sex offenders at the border. Just last week, federal agents took down a major illegal-alien drug smuggling ring and deported two child molesters who sneaked back into the country after being deported. The agencies deported 256,085 criminal aliens last year, including 1,641 illegals convicted for some form of homicide, 1,294 convicted of kidnapping, and 4,975 sex criminals, not including those with sex-assault convictions.
As for whether illegal aliens are more law-abiding than real Americans, the latest report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform, using crime data from the states with the largest number of illegals, proved that illegal aliens are much more dangerous than citizens.
FAIR cited Texas as an example:
In Texas alone between June 2011 and July 2018, more than 175,000 illegal aliens were booked into state and local jails.... They were charged with more than 273,000 criminal offenses. These crimes included 505 homicide charges, 30,408 assaults, 5,396 burglaries, 34,555 drug offenses, and 365 kidnapping charges. By simply doing the math based on this data alone, then comparing it with the number of illegal aliens residing in the state of Texas, it becomes clear that illegal aliens are incarcerated at a higher rate than U.S. citizens or lawfully-present aliens.
As for terrorists, a report from the Center for Immigration Studies found at least 15 terrorists have been caught at the border since 2001. ICE recently deported a Pakistani illegal-alien smuggler based in Brazil. Several of those illegals had ties to terror organizations.
The lawsuit did not mention that illegal aliens awaiting entry to the United States in Tijuana twice attacked border police.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Address Records Show Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Still Lived With Her First Husband Throughout Marriage To Her Apparent Brother

Address Records Show Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Still Lived With Her First Husband Throughout Marriage To Her Apparent Brother
By Pamela Geller - on February 15, 2019

This article from October is worth revisiting now because it shows just how corrupt Jew-hating Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar and the Democrat Party really are. Despite abundant evidence, as you can see here, that she committed student loan and immigration fraud, Omar was still elected to Congress. The enemedia, true to form, never called out the Democrats or Omar for this. They knew she was a criminal and they didn’t care, because she helped them advance their identity politics agenda and virtue-signal with a hijabbed Muslim in Congress. If you’re a leftist who is useful to the political elites, you can get away with anything.

“Address Records Show Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Still Lived With Her First Husband Throughout Marriage To Her Apparent Brother,” by David Steinberg, PJ Media, October 30, 2018 (thanks to Mark):

In recent days, Minnesota state Representative Ilhan Omar (D-60B) has campaigned with Minnesota Attorney General candidate Keith Ellison (D-MN). Omar is the Democratic nominee for the federal House seat, MN CD-5, that Ellison is vacating. She is the assumed favorite to win the seat.
Win or lose, however, a Department of Justice investigation into her past appears inevitable. A remarkable — and growing — amount of evidence implicates her in multiple federal and state felonies.
The allegations stem from Omar’s 2009 marriage to British citizen Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, her apparent brother. Below, exclusive new evidence backs the claim that this marriage was fraudulent. Also, this new evidence suggests that student loan fraud and immigration fraud were Omar’s motivations for marrying Mr. Elmi.

In 2016, shortly after Rep. Omar defeated 44-year incumbent Phyllis Kahn in the Democratic primary for MN House District 60B, someone anonymously posted the initial allegations on the SomaliSpot.com message board. The poster claimed Omar had been granted a Minnesota marriage license in 2009, and subsequently married her brother Ahmed Elmi while she was still Islamically married to Ahmed Hirsi — with whom she had two children at the time.
Long-time Minnesota reporter/attorney Scott Johnson investigated the allegations, and surprisingly discovered that they were supported by government records.
Minnesota reporter Preya Samsundar investigated further, uncovering much more supporting evidence.
Pressured by local and national media, Omar soon released a statement. It failed to address much of the evidence. Her statement included this passage:

In 2002, when I was 19 years old, Ahmed Hirsi … and I, applied for a marriage license, but we never finalized the application and thus were never legally married. In 2008, we decided to end our relationship in our faith tradition after reaching an impasse in our life together.
I entered into a relationship with a British citizen, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, and married him legally in 2009. Our relationship ended in 2011 and we divorced in our faith tradition. …
Since 2011, I am happy to say that I have reconciled with Ahmed Hirsi, we have married in our faith tradition and are raising our family together. (Emphasis added)

I have extensively searched publicly available address records with the assistance of a legal researcher. We have found that Rep. Omar’s first claim — that she and Ahmed Hirsi underwent an Islamic divorce “to end [their] relationship” in 2008 — cannot be reconciled with their official address records. 
Further, her claim cannot be reconciled with her own words from an interview she gave in 2013.
 From 2002 until 2009, Ilhan Omar lived in a series of apartments in Minneapolis with Ahmed Hirsi.
 In 2009, Ilhan Omar married British citizen Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.
 In August 2009, records show that both Ilhan Omar and Ahmed Nur Said Elmi left Minnesota, moving to 2608 Pacific Dr. South, Apt. 4, Fargo, North Dakota 58103. (The record we found for Elmi did not include the apartment number.)
 However, records show that Ahmed Hirsi moved there, too.
In August 2009, Ahmed Hirsi is recorded at 2608 Pacific Dr. South, Apt. 4, Fargo, North Dakota 58103.
Ilhan, her Islamically divorced the first husband, and her second husband are all recorded to live at the same apartment at the same time.
 In February 2010, both Ilhan Omar and Ahmed Hirsi are recorded as having moved to 2438 18th St. South, Fargo, North Dakota 58103.
 Records show that Ahmed Elmi, her legal husband, appears at this new address in November 2010, nine months later.
To summarize:
 Address records show that Ilhan Omar lived at the same address with the man she claimed to have divorced and the man she was legally married to — concurrently. And that she did this twice.
 Ilhan Omar stated that her relationship with Ahmed Elmi only lasted from 2009 until 2011. But address records show she spent more of that time living with Ahmed Hirsi.
Indeed, she may have lived with Hirsi continuously during her entire marriage to Ahmed Elmi.

Years before this scandal was publicized on the Somali message board, Ilhan herself confirmed that Ahmed Hirsi was with her in North Dakota.
The following passage appeared in a local Minneapolis news outlet in 2013 within an article titled “Refugee Parent Finds Sense of Home in Minneapolis Neighborhood School”:

After having started their daughter, Isra, in kindergarten in Minneapolis, Omar and her husband, Ahmed Hirsi, moved to North Dakota so that Omar could finish her bachelor’s degree in political science….

House Democrat counters Trump with a resolution declaring climate change a national emergency.

House Democrat counters Trump with a resolution declaring climate change a national emergency.

Friday, February 15, 2019

El Paso a Major Smuggling Route for Mexican Drugs, Illegal Aliens, & Islamic Terrorists

Because no one is above the law!

El Paso a Major Smuggling Route for Mexican Drugs, Illegal Aliens, & Islamic Terrorists

FEBRUARY 10, 2019

President Donald Trump’s El Paso visit is a great opportunity to point out that the West Texas city is a rats’ nest of law enforcement corruption, a major smuggling route into the U.S. for Mexican drugs, illegal immigrants, and Islamic terrorists and the headquarters of a sophisticated narco-terror ring operated by two of the FBI’s most wanted. While local officials promote it as one of America’s safest cities, Judicial Watch has exposed in a years-long investigation the disturbing reality gripping the municipality that sits along the Rio Grande across famously violent Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) says El Paso is a major hub for Mexican opioids and methamphetamine enroute to the rest of the United States. Just a few days ago U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) released figures showing that the El Paso sector had an astounding 1,588% increase in illegal immigrant apprehensions during the first month of 2019 compared to the first month of 2018. Most are coming from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador.

Drugs and Central Americans aren’t the only things being smuggled in through El Paso. Islamic terrorists are also making it into the U.S. with the help of Mexican drug cartels. Judicial Watch exposed an operation in which Mexican drug cartels smuggle foreigners from countries with terrorist links into a small rural town near El Paso by using remote farm roads—rather than interstates—to elude the Border Patrol and other law enforcement barriers. The foreigners are classified as Special Interest Aliens (SIA) and are transported to stash areas in Acala, a rural crossroads located around 54 miles from El Paso on a state road – Highway 20. Once in the U.S., the SIAs wait for pick-up in the area’s sand hills just across Highway 20.

Judicial Watch also broke a story about an ISIS training cell just a few miles from El Paso in an area known as “Anapra” situated just west of Ciudad Juárez in the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Law enforcement and intelligence sources on both sides of the border confirm that cartel-backed “coyotes” help smuggle ISIS terrorists through the desert and into the U.S. between Acala and Fort Hancock, Texas. The areas are targeted for exploitation by ISIS because of their understaffed municipal and county police forces and the relative safe-havens the terrain provides for the unchecked large-scale drug smuggling. In the aftermath of Judicial Watch’s story about Islamic terrorists operating in Juárez, Beto O’Rourke, the former congressman that’s holding an anti-Trump rally during the president’s event at the El Paso County Coliseum, tried to silence federal law enforcement sources. O’Rourke, who represented El Paso in the House before a failed Senate bid, has long declared that Juárez is safe even as the notoriously violent region adjacent to his district is renowned for beheadings, gunfights, kidnappings and drug trafficking. Juárez is among the world’s most dangerous cities and the most dangerous place in the western hemisphere.

The problems in El Paso aren’t limited to the immediate border region. In 2014 Judicial Watch exposed a sophisticated narco-terror ring, operated by two of the FBI’s most wanted, with roots and financing in El Paso. Its ringleader is an ISIS operative named Emad Karakrah, who was recently released on parole in Illinois. Karakrah smuggled drugs and weapons for the renowned Juárez drug cartel in Mexico and was a logistics and transportation operative for militant Islamists in the United States. He moved people, weapons, explosives, drugs, money, and other materiel to terrorist cells operating in Chicago, Brooklyn, New York and Saddle Brook, New Jersey, among other locations across the U.S. Karakrah and his cohorts— including two of the FBI’s most wanted terrorists (Jaber A. Elbaneh and Adnan Gulshair el Shukrijumah)—operated from El Paso. Judicial Watch also produced an investigative documentary about the narco-terrorist cell.

El Paso is also known for corruption within the law enforcement ranks. The former deputy chief of the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office (EPCSO), Jesus “Eddie” Campa, got criminally indicted for embezzling millions of dollars in Homeland Security funds. Campa served in the department as a jailer and officer for two decades. He left the agency following the indictment allegations, supposedly for embezzling $5.6 million in Homeland Security Investigation (HSI) funds, sources told Judicial Watch. His boss, Sheriff Richard Wiles, has also been embroiled in several scandals. Besides looking the other way as one of his trusted deputy chiefs embezzled millions of dollars, Wiles, serving his third term as sheriff, attended a fundraising event at the home of a convicted felon with connections to the illegal drug trade. El Paso County sheriff’s deputies have reported, in detail, to Judicial Watch how the sheriff’s office manipulates and phonies-up crime reporting statistics to minimize the true crime rate in the county.

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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

UN IPCC Scientist Blows Whistle on Lies About Climate, Sea Level

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

UN IPCC Scientist Blows Whistle on Lies About Climate, Sea Level

Written by  Alex Newman

STOCKHOLM, Sweden — The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (UN IPCC) is misleading humanity about climate change and sea levels, a leading expert on sea levels who served on the UN IPCC told The New American. In fact, it is more likely that sea levels will decline, not rise, explained Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner, the retired head of the paleogeophysics and geodynamics at Stockholm University. A new solar-driven cooling period is not far off, he said. But when Mörner tried to warn the UN IPCC that it was publishing false information that would inevitably be discredited, they simply ignored him. And so, dismayed, he resigned in disgust and decided to blow the whistle.   
Asked if coastal cities such as Miami would be flooding due to sea-level rise caused by alleged man-made global warming, Mörner was unequivocal: “Absolutely not.” “There is no rapid sea-level rise going on today, and there will not be,” he said, citing observable data. “On the contrary, if anything happens, the sea will go down a little.” The widely respected scientist, who has been tracking sea levels in various parts of the globe for some 50 years, blasted those who use incorrect “correction factors” in their data to make it appear that seas are rising worldwide. That is just wrong, he said.
Indeed, even speaking of something called “global sea level” is highly misleading, the expert explained. “It is different in different parts of the world,” Mörner said, noting that sea levels can rise in one part of the world and decline in another depending on a variety of factors. For instance, the interview took place right next to an 18th-century Baltic sea-level marker in Saltsjöbaden near Stockholm that showed the Baltic sea level at the time it was made. Because the ground is rising, the marking is now higher up from sea level than it was when it was made. Mörner has personally been measuring and tracking sea levels in equatorial regions of the world — Bangladesh, the Maldives, Southern India, New Caledonia, Fiji, and beyond.
Mörner's conclusion is that solar activity and its effects on the globe have been the “dominant factor” in what happens to both the climate and the seas. Meanwhile, the UN claims the current changes in climate and sea level are attributable to human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2). Man’s emissions of this essential gas, required by plants and exhaled by people, make up a fraction of one percent of all so-called greenhouse gases present naturally in the atmosphere. “Absolutely not,” Mörner said about the CO2 argument, noting there was “something basically sick” in the blame-CO2 hypothesis. “CO2, if it has any effect, it is minute — it does not matter. What has a big effect is our sun.”
Obviously, while he was serving on the UN IPCC, Mörner tried to warn his colleagues on the UN body that the politically backed hypothesis about CO2 driving temperature changes, and the subsequent claims regarding dangerous sea-level rise, were totally incorrect. “They just ignored what I was saying,” he recounted. “If they were clever — if they had facts on their hands — they could show that, 'no, you're wrong.' But that is not the case. They just will not discuss it. I will try to discuss it. I will show with their own data that they are wrong. Because in science, we discuss. We don't forbid or neglect.”
When asked about the frequently repeated (and easily debunked) claims of an alleged 97-percent consensus supporting the man-made global-warming hypothesis, Mörner said it was simply not true — and even if it were, it would be irrelevant. “Why does anybody say something when it is not correct?” he asked. “They say it because they have applied excellent lobbyists. They are working with lobbyists in their hand; 'say this, do that.' We don't do that.” In the field of physics, Mörner estimated that 80 to 90 percent of physicists know the hypothesis is wrong. And among geologists and astronomers, he said probably 80 percent know it is wrong.
“They claim that there is 97 percent who are for it,” Mörner said. “I claim that it is 97 percent of scientific facts against them.”

Listen here on YouTube

Quoting Galileo, the 80-year-old Swedish scientist also slammed the shady tactics used by climate alarmists and the lobbyists they work with to suppress the real facts and demonize those who contradict their alarmist narrative. “If you write an excellent paper in a peer-reviewed journal, but they don't like it, they write to the journal and tell them they cannot write things like that, it's against the general consensus,” said Mörner, who has published hundreds of peer-reviewed papers on a wide range of scientific subjects. “They even put those journals on a blacklist. This is a shady thing going on. We don't work like that in real science.”
Instead of science, Mörner suspects that the behind-the-scenes promoters of the man-made warming hypothesis have dark, ulterior motives. “I think the ultimate thing is that they want a government for the whole globe, and that is a weird idea,” Mörner said, criticizing the Rockefeller dynasty and global efforts to keep developing countries from developing under the guise of saving the climate. “This is the hope of controlling everything. It is an autocracy. It is really bad. Nobody should rule like that. But everybody has had these strange dreams — small countries of being larger, and empires wanting to be super-empires, and then they collapse. We have a whole history full of that. This globalism is a dangerous thing.”
By putting so much emphasis on climate alarmism and the alleged dangers of CO2, meanwhile, Mörner said the UN has diverted resources and attention away from “all the real problems” of the world that really do exist. “This is a terrible thing, this is the terrible thing,” he said. It is especially sad because “the world is full of real problems” such as hunger, starvation, killings, natural disasters, diseases, and so much more, he said. Yet because of the incessant focus on demonizing CO2 and trying to control “climate,” those very real problems get ignored.   
Speaking of the UN's “climate” process, Mörner was pleased with Trump's actions so far, which include announcing that the U.S. government would be withdrawing from the highly controversial UN Paris Agreement. He urged the Trump administration to “forget about” the whole UN climate agenda “because that is nonsense, and you have very carefully and cleverly understood that.” However, he also urged Trump to be empathetic and willing to discuss the climate issue. “It is very simple for us to discuss it, because we really have the facts, they have their models,” Mörner said. “And facts are better than models.”
Dr. William Happer, a world-renown physicist from Princeton University who has advised President Trump on climate issues, also denounced warming alarmism and the demonization of CO2. In an interview with The New American at a climate-skeptic summit put together by Freedom Force International, Professor Happer said there was nothing to worry about from alleged man-made global warming or human emissions of the gas of life. “CO2 will be good for the Earth,” Happer said, adding that CO2 levels were unusually and extremely low by historical standards. “More would be a very good thing.”
Mörner, meanwhile, cautioned promoters of the man-made warming hypothesis that they were going to ultimately be exposed, with catastrophic consequences for the scientific community. “This is so unscientific,” he said, condemning climatologists for ignoring facts that contradict their climate models. “And that is a terrible thing, this unscientific part of it. Because one day, it will all be revealed as nonsense. And then we lose our trustworthiness.” The data will not change, he said. And it is clear. If nothing else, when the next cooling phase begins — “everything points to that we are going into a new so-called grand solar minimum and that is in the middle of this century, maybe even as early as 2030” — then everybody will realize how wrong the warmists have been. That is when the “rats will leave the sinking ship,” he said.    
But Mörner still expressed sympathy with those who have been duped into believing they are saving the planet by fighting CO2. “Of course, everybody wants to believe in something,” he said. “All those people who don't know what they are talking about, but they believe that they are saving the world. We don't save the world, the world will keep on going.”
It is even worse than that, though. “This is the most dangerous and frightening part of it: How such a lobbyist group has been able to fool the whole world,” he concluded, comparing it to how National Socialists in Germany and communists in both Russia and China were able to deceive the populations and seize power. Blasting the “autocratic process,” he said these organized and deceitful forces were “so dangerous.” He also expressed shock that the UN and governments would parade children around at UN climate summits. “What do they know? They are very nice, all of them, but they should be out playing, not talking at the United Nations,” he said, criticizing as “a little evil” that children would be used as propaganda props. “That is an insult to science.”
Despite the warnings of Mörner and numerous other highly respected scientists around the world, including others who have served on the UN IPCC, the UN IPCC and the broader UN continue to sound the alarm over allegedly looming temperature increases and sea-level rises that will flood coastal cities around the world. Now they say there are just 12 years left to save the planet. They typically refuse to debate, too. The New American reached out to the IPCC for comment repeatedly during the recent UN COP24 “climate” summit in Katowice, Poland. However, the organization did not respond to e-mails, phone calls, or visits to the IPCC booth at the climate summit seeking comment.
Image of Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner: Screenshot of a YouTube video by TheClimateRealist
Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, has been at many of the UN climate summits over the last decade. He can be reached at anewman@thenewamerican.com. Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU or on Facebook.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Why Austrian Economics Is More Reality-Based than the Neoclassical Approach | Jörg Guido Hülsmann

Why Austrian Economics Is More Reality-Based than the Neoclassical Approach | Jörg Guido Hülsmann:

[Originally published as 'Economic Science and Neoclassicism' in the Review of Austrian Economics: Winter 1999]

One of the few schools of economic thought that has consistently adhered to the postulate of economic realism is the Austrian School.1 It is therefore welcome that Bryan Caplan (1999) critically evaluated the tenets of the Austrians in a recent article.2  He concentrated on the writings of Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard. The works of these two authors represent in his eyes a truly alternative paradigm within the economics profession, whereas the work of other Austrian scholars—in particular, Hayek, Kirzner, and their followers—has to be seen as complementary to, rather than altogether different from, today’s neoclassical mainstream.
Caplan arrives at the startling conclusion that the Austrian approach, despite the efforts of its authors, is less realistic than the neoclassical approach that flourished in the age of benign neglect for realism. A discussion of these views is highly useful given the growing interest in economic realism. In this article, we will show that Caplan fails to identify the important differences between Austrian and neoclassical economics. Caplan’s errors seem all to be rooted in his failure to grasp that Austrian economics is a theory of action (praxeology) rather than some kind of applied psychology. We will therefore briefly characterize the praxeological approach toward the explanation of human behavior and then discuss Caplan’s main tenets in some detail.

If Global Warming Is Killing Us, Why Is Global Life Expectancy Increasing? | Ryan McMaken

Can You Think?

If Global Warming Is Killing Us, Why Is Global Life Expectancy Increasing? | Ryan McMaken: According to a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control ('Mortality in the United States, 2017'), 'Life expectancy for the U.S. population declined to 78.6 years in 2017.'

Upon noting this, advocates for climate-change regulations might claim "well both things are true. We'd be living even longer if not for climate change!" Except here's the rub. The very things that make it possible to expand life expectancy: medical care, high-quality housing, heating, air conditioning, and clean water are all byproducts of our industrialized economies powered primarily by fossil fuels. Tearing down this system in the name of preventing climate change would be devastating to life and health worldwide. In other words, taking steps to greatly increase the cost of essential resources and amenities — as carbon taxes and other anti-climate change regulations do — would only pull the rug out from under current efforts to continually fight against countless causes of mortality such as water-borne diseases, cancer, and diabetes. It is not climate-change that poses the greatest threat to future generations. The real threat lies in losing the ground gained in the Global South in terms of sanitation, medical care, and housing. Thus, crippling the global economy through climate-change regulation — not climate change itself — is "the most systematic threat."
The bird-in-hand of industrial globalization has clearly delivered a higher standard of living than has ever been known before in the old "third world." The promised two-birds-in-the-bush of global climate control offers fewer plausible promises for a better life. 
Realizing the need to up the ante, researchers continue trying to connect a myriad of health problems directly to climate change in order to justify more regulatory intervention. The New Republic continues:
It [a 2012 report on climate change] linked 400,000 deaths worldwide to climate change each year, projecting deaths to increase to over 600,000 per year by 2030.
But how do they arrive at these numbers? They're achieved by claiming a variety of diseases are indirectly caused by climate change. Given that most mortality is now caused by diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, liver failure, and other chronic conditions, it's chronic disease (and not factors directly connected to climate like heat stroke) that will be the most significant drivers in life expectancy.2 Thus, a solid connection must be made to diseases such as diabetes if climate-change can be held up as a leading cause of mortality.

Fluoride: Poison On Tap - Full Documentary

Fluoride: Poison On Tap - Full Documentary Mar 14, 2018