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Mislead Me More, Please: Address Records Show Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Still Lived With Her First Husband Throughout Marriage To Her Apparent Brother

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Sunday, February 17, 2019

Address Records Show Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Still Lived With Her First Husband Throughout Marriage To Her Apparent Brother

Address Records Show Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Still Lived With Her First Husband Throughout Marriage To Her Apparent Brother
By Pamela Geller - on February 15, 2019

This article from October is worth revisiting now because it shows just how corrupt Jew-hating Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar and the Democrat Party really are. Despite abundant evidence, as you can see here, that she committed student loan and immigration fraud, Omar was still elected to Congress. The enemedia, true to form, never called out the Democrats or Omar for this. They knew she was a criminal and they didn’t care, because she helped them advance their identity politics agenda and virtue-signal with a hijabbed Muslim in Congress. If you’re a leftist who is useful to the political elites, you can get away with anything.

“Address Records Show Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) Still Lived With Her First Husband Throughout Marriage To Her Apparent Brother,” by David Steinberg, PJ Media, October 30, 2018 (thanks to Mark):

In recent days, Minnesota state Representative Ilhan Omar (D-60B) has campaigned with Minnesota Attorney General candidate Keith Ellison (D-MN). Omar is the Democratic nominee for the federal House seat, MN CD-5, that Ellison is vacating. She is the assumed favorite to win the seat.
Win or lose, however, a Department of Justice investigation into her past appears inevitable. A remarkable — and growing — amount of evidence implicates her in multiple federal and state felonies.
The allegations stem from Omar’s 2009 marriage to British citizen Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, her apparent brother. Below, exclusive new evidence backs the claim that this marriage was fraudulent. Also, this new evidence suggests that student loan fraud and immigration fraud were Omar’s motivations for marrying Mr. Elmi.

In 2016, shortly after Rep. Omar defeated 44-year incumbent Phyllis Kahn in the Democratic primary for MN House District 60B, someone anonymously posted the initial allegations on the SomaliSpot.com message board. The poster claimed Omar had been granted a Minnesota marriage license in 2009, and subsequently married her brother Ahmed Elmi while she was still Islamically married to Ahmed Hirsi — with whom she had two children at the time.
Long-time Minnesota reporter/attorney Scott Johnson investigated the allegations, and surprisingly discovered that they were supported by government records.
Minnesota reporter Preya Samsundar investigated further, uncovering much more supporting evidence.
Pressured by local and national media, Omar soon released a statement. It failed to address much of the evidence. Her statement included this passage:

In 2002, when I was 19 years old, Ahmed Hirsi … and I, applied for a marriage license, but we never finalized the application and thus were never legally married. In 2008, we decided to end our relationship in our faith tradition after reaching an impasse in our life together.
I entered into a relationship with a British citizen, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, and married him legally in 2009. Our relationship ended in 2011 and we divorced in our faith tradition. …
Since 2011, I am happy to say that I have reconciled with Ahmed Hirsi, we have married in our faith tradition and are raising our family together. (Emphasis added)

I have extensively searched publicly available address records with the assistance of a legal researcher. We have found that Rep. Omar’s first claim — that she and Ahmed Hirsi underwent an Islamic divorce “to end [their] relationship” in 2008 — cannot be reconciled with their official address records. 
Further, her claim cannot be reconciled with her own words from an interview she gave in 2013.
 From 2002 until 2009, Ilhan Omar lived in a series of apartments in Minneapolis with Ahmed Hirsi.
 In 2009, Ilhan Omar married British citizen Ahmed Nur Said Elmi.
 In August 2009, records show that both Ilhan Omar and Ahmed Nur Said Elmi left Minnesota, moving to 2608 Pacific Dr. South, Apt. 4, Fargo, North Dakota 58103. (The record we found for Elmi did not include the apartment number.)
 However, records show that Ahmed Hirsi moved there, too.
In August 2009, Ahmed Hirsi is recorded at 2608 Pacific Dr. South, Apt. 4, Fargo, North Dakota 58103.
Ilhan, her Islamically divorced the first husband, and her second husband are all recorded to live at the same apartment at the same time.
 In February 2010, both Ilhan Omar and Ahmed Hirsi are recorded as having moved to 2438 18th St. South, Fargo, North Dakota 58103.
 Records show that Ahmed Elmi, her legal husband, appears at this new address in November 2010, nine months later.
To summarize:
 Address records show that Ilhan Omar lived at the same address with the man she claimed to have divorced and the man she was legally married to — concurrently. And that she did this twice.
 Ilhan Omar stated that her relationship with Ahmed Elmi only lasted from 2009 until 2011. But address records show she spent more of that time living with Ahmed Hirsi.
Indeed, she may have lived with Hirsi continuously during her entire marriage to Ahmed Elmi.

Years before this scandal was publicized on the Somali message board, Ilhan herself confirmed that Ahmed Hirsi was with her in North Dakota.
The following passage appeared in a local Minneapolis news outlet in 2013 within an article titled “Refugee Parent Finds Sense of Home in Minneapolis Neighborhood School”:

After having started their daughter, Isra, in kindergarten in Minneapolis, Omar and her husband, Ahmed Hirsi, moved to North Dakota so that Omar could finish her bachelor’s degree in political science….

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