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Mislead Me More, Please: Barack Obama signed a law in 2012 allowing government propaganda in the U.S.

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Thursday, June 1, 2023

Barack Obama signed a law in 2012 allowing government propaganda in the U.S.

 CLAIM: Former President Barack Obama signed a law in 2012 allowing government propaganda in the U.S., and making it “perfectly legal for the media to purposely lie to the American people.” 


CLAIM: Former President Barack Obama signed a law in 2012 allowing the government 

propaganda in the U.S., making it “perfectly legal for the media to purposely lie to the American people.” 

AP’S ASSESSMENT: False. (Do you Trust the AP?)

In 2013, Obama signed legislation that changed the U.S. 

Information and Educational Exchange Act of 1948, also known as the Smith-Mundt Act. 

The amendment made it possible for some materials created by the U.S. Agency for Global Media, the nation’s foreign broadcasting agency, to be disseminated in the U.S. 

THE FACTS: A post circulating on Facebook with a photo of Obama falsely states he repealed

 a ban on government propaganda in the U.S. when he signed the National Defense

 Authorization Act in 2013. The amendment did not repeal the Smith-Mundt Act 

but lifted some restrictions on the domestic dissemination of government-funded media. 

The change essentially eased restrictions for Americans who want to access government-funded media content, allowing media produced by the U.S. Agency for Global Media, such as the 

Voice of America and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, to be made available to Americans

 “upon request.” That was not possible before the law was changed. “Even upon request, if I wanted to get it through FOIA, for instance, they couldn’t do it. The amendment changed that,” said Gabe Rottman, director of the Reporters Committee’s Technology and Press Freedom 

Project. Under the previous law, the agency’s content, including radio broadcasts from 

Voice of America was banned from dissemination in the U.S. However, Americans were still

 able to access much of the content online. “There was essentially a de facto ban on the domestic dissemination of materials originating from the State Department,” said Weston Sager, an

 attorney who published a paper on the change in the law. Under the new law, it is still against

 the law for government-funded media to create programming and market their content to U.S. audiences. Versions of the claim accusing Obama of legalizing propaganda have circulated on Twitter and Facebook since around the time the law was passed. The meme attempts to link Obama to the spread of misinformation. During consideration of the bill, critics voiced concern 

that lifting the restrictions could result in information designed to influence foreign audiences

being used against American citizens. Proponents countered that the ban made it difficult for 

Americans to access and evaluate this content.

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